New Moon In Pisces & Venus Retrograde: Dream, Revive, Create, Act
Dear Moon Gazer,
Happy New Moon in Pisces 🌚
This new moon in Pisces is ruled by Jupiter in Gemini, a mutable sign like Pisces, so the energy today and this week is a highly changeable one. Our society and world is changing, and it’s hard to keep up. Your life might have a lot of changeability and spontaneity this week. Pisces and Gemini understand each other’s ability to easily adapt to change and be fluid, but Pisces is more focused on how it feels and engaging with the bigger picture and meaning of life. Gemini is in its head zesting for information. I think we can use both of these energies for our benefit. Gemini helps us gain the information that we need to be aware of what’s going on, but Pisces invites us to use that information to imagine more creative scenarios and solutions.
Jupiter in Gemini has been squaring Saturn in Pisces, which this new moon is activating. Jupiter and Saturn are the planets that guide and shape our lives. When they’re in mutable signs, things are more unstable and changeable. Saturn wants accountability, but, because Saturn is in a mutable sign, accountability seems fleeting right now. Once Saturn moves into Aries (in May), accountability will be easier to demand. One of the things that doesn’t get talked about enough with Jupiter is that it represents governing and organizing. In Hellenistic astrology, Jupiter has its joy in the 11th house, which is the house that represents friends, community, organizing with others, networking, as well as your hopes and dreams.
Jupiter wants government to run smoothly, but in Gemini, again, a mutable sign, government is unstable and ever changing. We are going to see some serious shifts once Jupiter moves into Cancer and Saturn moves into Aries. Cancer and Aries are both cardinal signs with a clearer direction ready to act. Of course, we will experience more direct action during this Venus retrograde and Aries season as well.
We’re going to get more fiery, action-oriented, punk rock energy with Venus going retrograde this weekend in Aries. Venus will go retrograde in Aries first, then in Pisces later in March as I talk about in my other post. Aries is ready to rumble, but retrogrades are times of reflecting, reviewing, and revisiting the past. So, while Mars is no longer retrograde, we are still working with retrograde energy, but this time with Venus.
Venus represents relationships (romantic and friendship), love, bonding, connection, unity, harmony, beauty, art, creativity, pleasures, hobbies, joys, desire, gender, sexuality, and social norms. When a planet is retrograde, it's a time of reflection and review of what that planet signifies.
Venus retrograde is all about reviving past creative, artistic, and/or business ideas. It’s about taking action on things you’ve been interested in and passionate about for a while, but haven’t pursued for whatever reason. You might be feeling like you want to start something brand new, but before you do, there is business to take care of and things to reflect on and revisit before moving into completely new territory. This is the energy we are working with until mid-April.
The first half of this Venus retrograde in Aries is ruled by Mars in Cancer, so we’re still dealing with strong Cancer energy. You might be making revisions to your home or living situation. You might be reflecting on your relationship to your mother, or on yourself as a mother, if you identify as a mother. You might be reminded of a childhood dream you had that still tugs at your soul. You could be reflecting on your needs and desires in relationship. Learn more about this Venus retrograde in my other post here.
Want to know what this Venus retrograde and eclipse season are symbolizing for you, personally? Are you experiencing significant shifts happening in your life? Have things been challenging for you on a personal level? Curious about a specific area of your life (like your career, meeting a partner, moving to a new location, a health issue, etc)?
Then, it can be helpful to get an astrology reading to gain deeper insights into what this period in your life is all about, and favorable actions to take during this time. I’d love to help you navigate this pivotal time. I invite you to book the reading option that’s best for you below 👇
For new clients, book your 60 Min Zoom Astrology Reading with me HERE.
For returning clients, you get a $25 discount and can book your 60 Min Zoom Astrology Reading with me HERE (discount already applied on the booking page)
Book your 30 min Audio Astrology Reading with me HERE.
*Please note for an audio reading: On the booking page, you will be asked to choose a day/time. After you choose a day/time, then you will receive an email to the email address you provided with a 30min audio reading from me sometime by the date/time you choose.*
May this Pisces New Moon give you the intuitive wisdom that you need, and may this Venus retrograde be a time of helpful review, reflection, rebellion, renewal, and revival for you.
In cosmic love and liberation,
💙 Cam
P.S. I have a NEW podcast episode about how 2025 is the year to revive your passions and pursue your dreams for yourself and for the collective. I also talk about how Pluto in Aquarius is bringing us back to the times of the late 1700s when the U.S. constitution and government was first formed, and how we can use this energy to rewrite a better one that ensures equity and inclusion. Lastly, I share about four movies that speak to our current astro and political/cultural times, and how their stories can motivate us in getting through these times and creating change.
Listen and Subscribe to Moon Shine in Spotify here.
Listen and Subscribe to Moon Shine in Apple here.
You can also listen on my website here or wherever you get your podcasts!
Curious about a particular area of your life, life direction, and/or what the next year of your life looks like for you?
Experiencing a challenging time and want to get an idea of when it might change, and what this time is indicating for you?
Recently had a birthday or have one coming up?
Hi, I’m Cameron Airen (they/them, but sometimes they/she💁), a professional astrologer supporting old souls with social justice values to live the life their soul intended. I have my certificate from The Hellenistic Astrology Course. I have a M.A. in Anthropology and Social Change and my BA in Women & Gender Studies, and I’ve been self-employed since my early twenties with various past solo/small businesses as the co-founder of the Feminist Coach Academy, a life coach, feminist consultant, and personal trainer/running coach. I'm also a passionate SF Giants, Warriors, and sports fan, coffee drinker, book and art lover, movie and tv buff, interested in ancient history, tarot and past life healing explorer, and advocate for queer, intersectional feminism.
Astrology is something I’ve always been interested in. Newspaper horoscopes interested me from a young age. Once I knew my sun sign (Capricorn), I would go around asking all my friends, “what’s your sign?” One time, I almost got in trouble, as a friend’s parent thought I was talking about the “devil” when I mentioned “horoscope” (little did they know that Capricorn is the devil card in tarot ). I realized, then, that astrology was taboo to some people, but it didn’t deter me. I’ve always been drawn to the taboos.
Just like feminism, I never shied away from astrology even though some gave it negative connotations. When I was 22 years old, I received my first official natal birth chart reading from a professional astrologer, and was blown away by how accurately it described me and my experience.
Ever since, I’ve chatted about astrology with friends for fun until I decided to go deeper, discovered Hellenistic Astrology and began studying its ancient roots. You can learn more about me and my approach to astrology here.
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